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Denver Law Firm IT Services

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Law Firm IT Services

Denver Legal IT Services  Taylor Technology Consulting can help your law firm with any and all IT needs that you may have.  Your firm’s reliance on your computer systems will only continue to increase.  We can help ensure that your correspondence, firm management, billing systems and all other crucial computer systems are running efficiently and effectively.  Contact us to let us show you how we can help.






Scope of Services

  • Business continuity planning
  • Secure, off-site storage and recovery of the files that are important to your business—and your clients.
  • Ensuring a malware / adware/ spyware free secure network
  • 24/7 monitoring of your entire system to help mitigate downtime obstacles that are critical to your productivity—and your bottom line
  • Remote First policy mitigates issues that could otherwise require a lengthy and costly onsite visit
  • Installing and troubleshooting LAN, WAN, and security appliances
  • Supporting Microsoft Windows desktops and servers
  • Performing network and system administration duties such as setting up network and email accounts and troubleshooting activities

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